Fundació Jaume BofillUniversitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)


We are celebrating the 10-year anniversary of Debats d’Educació by giving the educational community the opportunity to air its views

Josep Miquel Piqué
Josep Miquel Piqué
President of XPCAT (Catalan Network of Science and Technology Parks)

I am a telecommunications engineer who is also a manager, entrepreneur and innovator. I am president of XPCAT (Catalan Network of Science and Technology Parks) and the European Division of the IASP (International Association of Science Parks).

The three things I’ve learned

The challenge lies in managing our continuous learning


Life is continuous learning. Once we have finished studying, the challenge lies in managing our continuous learning in both professional and personal spheres. Life leads us to learn as we teach.



We learn by sharing and we exist in relation to key communities. It is important to take care of relationships; to be participative; to make an effort to belong to communities of interest, communities of learning and communities of practice.



Innovation originates from interdisciplinary, intergenerational and international exchanges.

The person who has learnt to feel at home in the terrain of others creates bridges and generates new value.

Other voices from the educational community
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