Rules for participation
All the contributions will be published directly on the website “”. You should provide a title for each idea, before presenting it clearly and coherently.
You should upload a photograph of yourself to accompany your contribution.
It is possible to participate more than once, always following the same procedure and using the same form. Users’ contributions will be grouped by month, not by subject.
By participating it is accepted that the publication of your contribution will be under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Spain license. You can read the full text of the license at the following link:
Participation period
The period for participation will begin on 13 February 2013 and end on 13 February 2014.
Ethical code of participation
The messages express the opinion of the authors. The contributions made must meet the minimum criteria of academic and professional rigour and respect towards the organisation and the other participants. The organisation undertakes to monitor participation closely and reserves the right to remove those contributions that do not comply with these basic rules of participation.
Guidelines for writing the messages
We recommend that these are between twenty and fifty lines in length, and that you organise them around three important ideas that reflect what you see as key to learning.